Preventing the wireless mouse from waking up a suspended laptop?

Adam Funk a24061 at
Fri Nov 25 13:56:10 UTC 2022

On 2022-11-23, Bret Busby wrote:

> On 23/11/2022 18:10, Adam Funk wrote:
>> (I'm running Ubuntu-MATE 22.04 LTS on my current laptop, but I've had
>> the same problem with all previous versions and laptops.)
>> If my USB wireless mouse is moved while the laptop is suspended (with
>> the lid closed), the laptop wakes up. I have to remember to flip the
>> switch on the underside of the mouse off before moving it
>> anywhere. (Otherwise I get to work/home and find that the laptop is
>> warm and the battery has dropped 10% or so.)
>> Is there an option to disable this so only the keyboard can wake it
>> up?
>> Thanks
> A wireless mouse usually is battery powered, with an on/off switch.
> Try always turning the power switch to off, when not in use (also, 
> prolongs the battery life), and find whether that solves the problem.
> It should be an easy enough addition to the routine - to suspend the 
> laptop,
> 1. Close the lid (or, press the F<n> button that also does it, from memory)
> 2. Turn off power to any wireless input devices (such as keyboard and 
> mouse) that have power switches.
> Easy.

Right --- that's what I already do. I was hoping for a configuration
option to keep the laptop from waking up when I forget.

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