Preventing the wireless mouse from waking up a suspended laptop?

Bret Busby bret at
Wed Nov 23 11:37:04 UTC 2022

On 23/11/2022 18:10, Adam Funk wrote:
> (I'm running Ubuntu-MATE 22.04 LTS on my current laptop, but I've had
> the same problem with all previous versions and laptops.)
> If my USB wireless mouse is moved while the laptop is suspended (with
> the lid closed), the laptop wakes up. I have to remember to flip the
> switch on the underside of the mouse off before moving it
> anywhere. (Otherwise I get to work/home and find that the laptop is
> warm and the battery has dropped 10% or so.)
> Is there an option to disable this so only the keyboard can wake it
> up?
> Thanks

A wireless mouse usually is battery powered, with an on/off switch.

Try always turning the power switch to off, when not in use (also, 
prolongs the battery life), and find whether that solves the problem.

It should be an easy enough addition to the routine - to suspend the 
1. Close the lid (or, press the F<n> button that also does it, from memory)
2. Turn off power to any wireless input devices (such as keyboard and 
mouse) that have power switches.


Bret Busby
West Australia

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