
Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri Nov 18 18:47:13 UTC 2022


Am Freitag, dem 18.11.2022 um 19:20 +0100 schrieb Ralf Mardorf via
> Just in case it should be a competition the "basic info about the
> actual
> issue" that you requested is "does printng from other apps, i.e. the
> pdf
> viewer work ?"

i was trying to find out if cups in general is working and set up
properly for which this one question was enough to move on later (i
could as well have asked "can you print a test page from the settings

you *opened* your post with:

"this might be related to the transition from a regular DEB package to
a containerized snap oddity."

and then went on over several snap related issues/posts

>  And while I offered several reasons, you offered only one
> reason, 

i did not offer any reason, i was trying to collect some empirical data

1) does the printing system work at all
2) does printing from deb packaged apps work
3) does printing from other snap apps work 
4) must be a firefox issue (snap-system related or not would have been
determined by 3)

> also base upon guessing. If you or I have good luck a guess is
> correct, if you or I have bad luck no guess is correct. I wasn't
> aware
> that providing help is a competition and that snaps are tabu, while
> issues with snaps are actually not that seldom.

unlike in your opening sentence there was no guessing on my side,
something is obviously wrong with the printing stack, to find out which
layer has the breakage you walk from bottom to top like in 1-4 above

... and you closed your post with instructions how to remove the
supported version of firefox to replace it with an outdated and
unsupported non-snap version from a PPA that might go away every moment
(which then will just leave the user silently without any security
updates to the browser at all)

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