
Oliver Grawert ogra at
Fri Nov 18 11:55:21 UTC 2022

Am Freitag, dem 18.11.2022 um 12:05 +0100 schrieb Ralf Mardorf via

can you pretty please stop spreading FUD and monsense about snaps ? 

snap packages have full access to the cups stack with the auto-
connected cups-control interface ,there are tens of millions of firefox
snap installs where printing works just fine, immediately jumping on a
thread because it contains the word "snap" or because you imagine it
could be snap related and then just badmouthing it is neither helpful
for the reporter nor will it fix the issue ...

snaps are an essential part of ubuntu... try understanding them if you
want to be helpful or move on to another distro if you can not stand

spreading your hate and dislike of them on a user support list instead
of actually helping to solve the problem is not constructive in any
way, please do that somewhere else !

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