Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Thu Nov 17 10:07:19 UTC 2022

On 17/11/2022 05:23, Douglas McGArrett wrote:
> I'd like to have a fax capability from my computer--both my printers 
> support this. (I would use the HP 6970.)
> I don't anticipate a lot of usage, but I am in contact with a
> hospital person dealing with my disabilities, and like most medical
> people, email is not generally supported.

Frightening though it may sound, the world's biggest customer for fax 
machines is the UK's National Health Service. I believe they have 
recently been told to stop it and to use the email service provided instead.

> Can someone please suggest an app that is easy to install and use? 

You shouldn't need one: it's just a virtual printer. If you run 
hp-faxsetup (installed when you installed HPLIP) it will set up the 
printer to send and receive faxes. Then you open your wordprocessor, 
write your message, and Ctl-P to print and pick the fax "printer" from 
the normal print menu. It should know to ask you the recipient's phone 

At least, this is how it used to work the last time I used a HP printer 
to send a fax, but that was some time ago.


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