Which Ubuntu?

SDA marathon.durandal at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 17:01:37 UTC 2022

On Wed, Nov 16, 2022 at 11:59:27AM -0500, SDA wrote:
> The OP could consider a slimmed down OS like AntiX IMHO. I'm running it on a 
> 12 year old laptop with 4 Gb of ram. Modern Gnome or pretty much other DE 
> won't run good on this - yes I've tried.
> So with AntiX i've presently have open a terminal and a heavy browser 
> (Firefox-ESR) both using about 980 Mb of ram! This distro also uses slimsky 
> as the GUI rather than XOrg.
> Other considerations within the Ubuntu ecoystem might be a tiling window 
> manager, but it sounds like the OP want's a GUI window manager. AntiX 
> defaults to Icewm with the zzzFM (file manager) and Rox panel. It also 
> doesn't run any systemd (I'm not anti systemd) which probably helps slim 
> things down too. YMMV
> AntiX: https://antixlinux.com/

I forgot to mention that this distro includes LibreOffice. It runs well, 
probably because the OS has a small footprint overhead.

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