Brave popup - how to delete?

Keith keith at
Fri Nov 11 15:23:43 UTC 2022

On 11/10/22 7:55 PM, rikona wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Nov 2022 09:45:46 -0600
> Keith <keith at> wrote:
>> On 11/9/22 1:08 AM, rikona wrote:
>>> On Tue, 8 Nov 2022 09:46:43 -0600
>>> Keith <keith at> wrote:
>> [snipped]
>>>> Can you issue the following commands?
>>>> $ gsettings --version
>>> 2.64.6
>>>> $ ls -l ~/.config/dconf/user
>>> just gives file
>>>> Maybe there's another angle to try if none of the above work.
>> I know from reading below that you've already disabled the
>> snapd.session-agent.service by masking it, and it should take care of
>> the problem. It's snapd that generating the pop-up and not the Brave
>> browser. You'd get the same pop-up with another snap packaged browser
>> (or any snap application for that matter) like Firefox or Chromium if
>> they happened to be running at the same time snapd tries to refresh
>> them with an update.
> I did disable snapd.session-agent.service by masking it, and it did
> indeed stop the popups! THANK YOU!!!! I've gone a whole day without it
> blocking stuff - a great relief. For now, I'll just leave it that way
> and when I get time I'll try the suggestion below. And yes, I'm
> familiar with the line problem. :-)
> I thought there might be a way to do this at a code level, and you
> found it. Again, many thanks!

You're welcome.


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