Asterisk 18.14.0 console dsp

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at
Thu Nov 10 21:39:40 UTC 2022

On Thu, 2022-11-10 at 14:23 -0500, Jerry Geis wrote:
> What is clipping or warble from ?


I don't know anything about the pitfalls when using audio this way.
However, when using audio in general, then


- perhaps an overdrive, maybe an interaction issue between ALSA and

- perhaps a DC offset, resulting in an overdrive
  It's possible to get rid of DC offsets by using a high pass filter.

- perhaps buffer overruns or underruns
  In this case more suitable would be the term "dropout".

warble (like a chirping sound)

- possibly crosstalk due to shielding issues
  It's possible to hear noise from non-audio hardware as
  background noise.

Can you post an audio recording somewhere and provide a link?


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