print on both sides of paper--solved!

Douglas McGArrett dmcgarrett at
Thu Nov 10 02:26:44 UTC 2022

On 11/9/22 17:02, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 09/11/2022 21:41, Douglas McGArrett wrote:
>> Both printers are on the LAN.
> OK, cool. So are mine, and all the Linux systems I have installed in 
> the last few years have found them without problems. But that has not 
> included Kubuntu, and it's been noticeable that some distributions 
> come with rather old CUPS versions, so the features provided for the 
> printers are sometimes a little odd.
> For example, my HP OfficeJet HPLIP driver defaults to A4 if I try to 
> print an email from Thunderbird or qpdfview, but if I try to print a 
> web page from Vivaldi or Brave, it insists that the default paper size 
> is called "Index Card A4 8.27x11.69in" (yes, really!). It all prints 
> OK, but someone somewhere goofed and omitted the actual A4 setting. 
> Yet the A4 setting *is* there, somewhere. Quite why some minion felt 
> that calling A4 and Index Card was a good idea is a mystery.
> Peter
Well I got A5 without complaint. I have some other software--don't 
remember what--that always wants to use A4. You probably realized by now 
that I'm in the US. Years ago I was in
Germany on business, and the A4 size really looks funny to me!

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