Moving to Vivaldi (was: Re: Brave popup - how to delete?

Peter Flynn peter at
Tue Nov 8 11:05:31 UTC 2022

On 06/11/2022 08:08, Bret Busby wrote:
> If you have been using Brave, you might want to try Vivaldi as an 
> alternative web browser.

I just made Vivaldi my default, and managed to retrieve the credentials 
I had created a few years ago, so now I'm all sync'd up. The only real 
guesser was that the bookmarks had to be imported from HTML saved from 
Brave, as the built-in "import all" doesn't do Brave bookmarks [yet?].

Doing so meant finding the Vivaldi menu > File menu, which is NOT the 
coloured Vivaldi icon in the panel, attractive though it is, but the 
other one in the top right-hand corner of the window next to the trash, 
monochrome but hiding in plain sight :-)


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