squid only partially working WHY ?

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon May 30 11:21:33 UTC 2022

Am Montag, dem 30.05.2022 um 10:49 +0100 schrieb Ian A Taylor via
> Good day
> I have install ubuntu 22.04 server on 4 machines
> The machines are
> spark
> compute-0-[0,1,2]
> spark has an internet connect plus a connection to a restricted 
> ( network
> compute-0-[0,1,2] are on the restricted network
> 2 of the three compute-0-[0,1,2] machines install with snap ok
> but the third fails
> I cannot see why

how did you set the proxy settings in teh first place (note, you shuld
always use the "snap set system ..." and "snap get system ...."
commands, nevr edit systemd units or some such (they are typically
generated on the fly) ...

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