Wine 7.9 (staging) on Xubuntu 22.04

Zhao Zuohong 1040110848 at
Wed May 25 00:19:55 UTC 2022

Well, I have found a cool blog here: Office 365 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Wine ( which looks promising, but I have not tried it yet.

May 25, 2022 7:43:19 AM MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at>:

> I've been reading the ongoing discussion of cheap Windows licenses,
> which then shifted to Wine. I thought I'd give Wine another try - it's
> never succeeded for me before in what I need most - Office (at any
> level, but preferably 2003 and up).
> I installed Wine's staging version, 7.9, using the instructions at
> and all seemed to go
> fairly well. I can run the explorer and that seems to work fine.
> Then I try to install MS Office using a copy of Office 2010
> Professional I have had sitting around for years.  I used to run it on
> my Windows VMs, but I recently upgraded to Office 2016 (for my Win10
> Virtualbox VM only). This is where it goes bollocks. The installation
> always aborts trying to run msiexec.exe. I have the backtrace file
> from the error, but I don't know if it's worth posting here - it's 209
> lines of Windows crash info.
> I tried running both with the architecture environment variables unset
> (implicitly 64-bit) and with them set as:
> WINEARCH=win32
> WINEPREFIX=/home/admar/.wine32
> No luck there. Every time it eventually dies with an error.
> Is there a way around this (and what)? I don't play Windows (or any
> computer) games except rarely and I can stick with the ones in Linux.
> Office is what I need (or a real equivalent, not LibreOffice).
> Comments welcome.
> Mark
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