Budget-priced Windows license

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Tue May 24 12:30:33 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Liam Proven wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> It was ratings like those that convinced me to stop using Wine.

>It is a *lot* better than it used to be.

That doesn't surprise me, since the Wine team has always been "on it"
as far as trying to make sure the program works as well as possible
and I hope they continue to do so.

Better is good, but not yet ideal, however. Ideal is the environment
targeted by the developers of your software, where you can rely on
receiving prompt and knowledgeable support from the largest number of
resources possible, especially from the developers, should anything
go wrong. My intent is not to bash Wine, though. I'm pointing out why
I chose to stop using it.

The OP is interested in a specific program that has a gold rating,
which means he may experience some frustration with unresponsiveness
and will likely need to use a work-around to close the current
version of it in the current version of Wine. If that's acceptable,
then "problem solved" for the moment once Wine is in place and the
program is set up within it.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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