Budget-priced Windows license

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Mon May 23 12:06:30 UTC 2022

On 23/5/22 7:55 pm, Liam Proven wrote:


> Personally for testing and occasional ad-hoc use, I use Win10
> unregistered.
> My own home machines use their firmware-embedded licences, be those Win7 or 10.
> [3] If I were advocating piracy, which I am not, I would point out
> easier, but cumbersome, ways to obtain illegitimate Win10 licences
> free of charge.

One thing that I am wondering, in this context, given that Ralf posted 
that (I believe that this is correct) he is using MS Windows in a 
virtual machine, running on top of Linux, is it better to run MS Windows 
in a virtual machine, on top of Linux, or, to run wine, in order to run 
applications that only run on MS Windows, on Linux?

Bret Busby
West Australia

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