Many updates to Firefox on snap

Little Girl littlergirl at
Fri May 20 15:26:50 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Walt Mankowski wrote:

>I'm running 22.04. I just noticed my Dock acting a little odd.

What was odd about yours?

I'm running Kubuntu 22.04 and my Firefox icon vanished from my panel
yesterday, but the empty spot on the panel was clickable and would
open Firefox. The icon wasn't in the list of icons when I went
browsing for it to put it back, so I deleted the shortcut and added
it again from the menu and all was well. I found that to be rather

>I thought it might be Firefox updating via snap, so I checked, and
>sure enough that's what it was:
>% snap changes
>ID    Status  Spawn                   Ready                   Summary
>1076  Done    yesterday at 12:05 EDT  yesterday at 12:05 EDT
>Auto-refresh snap "firefox" 1077  Done    yesterday at 20:45 EDT
>yesterday at 20:45 EDT  Auto-refresh snap "firefox" 1078  Done
>today at 03:25 EDT      today at 03:25 EDT      Auto-refresh snap
>"firefox" 1079  Done    today at 10:55 EDT      today at 10:56 EDT
>   Auto-refresh snap "firefox"

I had only two changes during the same time period. I'm not sure why
we're not getting the same updates:

ID   Status  Spawn                   Ready                   Summary
10   Done    yesterday at 15:43 EDT  yesterday at 15:43 EDT  Auto-refresh snap "firefox"
11   Done    today at 06:26 EDT      today at 06:26 EDT      Auto-refresh snap "firefox"

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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