Zoom 5.10 (and now 5.9) no longer works after today's update

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Fri May 20 06:36:56 UTC 2022

On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 8:50 PM Karl Auer <kauer at biplane.com.au> wrote:
> On Thu, 2022-05-19 at 19:31 -0700, MR ZenWiz wrote:
> I used it yesterday without issue, now it does not work. In the
> interim, I have applied updates which included numerous NVidia-related
> items. Coincidence? I think not.
Here's another oddity - I decided I could use a reboot on my 22.04
desktop, and I ran update-grub first, just in case. I rebooted, and
now zoom works again.  I suspect it's something in the nvidia driver
update for 22.04 that messed things up. Rebooting reloaded all the
drivers, so maybe they play nicely together now.

I'll have to check, cautiously, all my other 20.04 machines. I did
have to reinstall zoom 5.9 to downgrade from 5.10 on the LG laptop
where 5.10 stopped working, and that downgrade seems to have helped.
Odd since I have not upgraded 20.04 on the LG from today's update -

Guess I'll cross my fingers and play with it. I'll need zoom on the LG
and my desktop Saturday...

Thanks all!


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