pcsc - what is that ?

lejeczek peljasz at yahoo.co.uk
Thu May 19 07:28:59 UTC 2022

On 18/05/2022 18:15, Wade Smart wrote:
> Looks like it might be a smartcard reader that created the folder. Do you have
> something like that?
I don't. In fact I had expected - since it's a VM and 
somewhat of that simple philosophy I've seen in other 
distros, namely: check host and if it is a VM then turn 
off(or do no turn on) redundant bells & whistles, all that 
at OS installation time - such things to be switched off or 
I think it must be Gnome/GUI thing as this '.pcsc10' folder 
is not created by ssh login - but I fail so far to find out 
where exactly it is.

thanks, L

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