Reboot on ssh command locks up device, how to solve?

Colin Law clanlaw at
Wed May 18 16:28:36 UTC 2022

On Wed, 18 May 2022, 09:31 Bo Berglund, <bo.berglund at> wrote:

> On Wed, 18 May 2022 07:50:57 +0100, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
> >Have a look at /var/log/syslog to see if it gives any clues about what is
> >going on.
> >
> >Also check that the bios/firmware is up to date.
> System f/w was updated very recently (a month or so ago).

You said it had been up for 54 days when you tried to reboot so that can't
be strictly accurate.

Always worth checking again in case there is another one.

> The syslog does not give me any clues, I know when I power cycled the
> system via
> the Shellyplug because it is set up to email me a report when it chjanges
> state.
> So I power cycled the system on May 17 at 08:31:00.
> To reiterate this is what I did leading up to the crash:
> - sudo apt update
> - sudo apt full-upgrade
> - sudo reboot
> At this point the system became inaccessible and I could no longer log on
> using
> ssh.
> Here is an excerpt from syslog around the power cycle starting about 30 min
> before I power cycled the unit (I have cut down very long lines) until the
> normal start log streams along.:

What time did you run the reboot command? We need to know what appears in
the log when you run the reboot command.

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