apt-add-repository on 22.04

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Tue May 10 14:29:47 UTC 2022

Am Dienstag, dem 10.05.2022 um 16:20 +0200 schrieb Gilles Gravier:
> Hi!
> On 10/05/2022 15:05, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> > Am Dienstag, dem 10.05.2022 um 08:14 -0400 schrieb Amn:
> > > Is it ok to use ubuntu repositories in Debian 11+?
> > no, this will definitely break ... do not mix binary packages from
> > differently built distros.
> > 
> > ubuntu and debian are only compatible on the source package level
> > ...
> Not completely true. :) Some software have one version for all ".deb"
> distros.

if you are talking about single deb packages of statically built
binaries, you can indeed install the single debs just fine...
> AnyDesk has the same repo "deb.anydesk.com" for all distros... as
> long 
> as they support amd64 or armhf.

right, this is a static binary ...
> Google Chrome also has a single ".deb" repo at
> dl.google.com/linux/deb/
same thing ... static

> NordVPN has a single repo for all debs at 
> repo.nordvpn.com//deb/nordvpn/debian
this is a static binary in a repo ... still the same thing ...
> And on Ubuntu 22.04 if you want to use AnyDesk which relies on 
> libpangox-1.0 (which doesn't exist on 22.04 - it used to on 21.x and 
> before) you can directly install the Debian one at: 
> https://debian.pkgs.org/11/debian-main-amd64/libpangox-1.0-0_0.0.2-5.1_amd64.deb.html
thiss is very brave and works by sheer luck, if that lib would be
linked against something not available in 22.04 you'D get into a mess
of having to manually pull in all deps and potentially breaking all
gtk2 apps (if you use still anything that old) 
> But yeah. The general rule is if there are specific repos... you want
> to 
> use the specific ones...

the point is: never mix official distro repos, things are using
different compiler options and different versioned dependencies in
incompatible ways, adding some official debian distro repo will trash
your system effectively ...

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