apt-add-repository on 22.04

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Mon May 9 19:46:42 UTC 2022

Am Dienstag, dem 10.05.2022 um 03:20 +0800 schrieb Bret Busby:
> > 
> Why not simply use a text editor, such as vi, to add the suppository
> to 
> the .etc/apt/sources.list file?
> sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
> Simple.

that only adds the sources.list entry but not the required keys to the
keyring ... and it also mangles the main sources.list which is not
really encouraged since a decade anymore, instead you should drop a
file into /etc/apt/sources.list.d (which add-apt-repository actually
does for you along with registering the keys) ...

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