Strange backgroundbehavior in Xubuntu 22.04

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Thu May 5 23:35:58 UTC 2022

I just upgraded to 22.04 (from 21.10).  All went fairly smoothly until
I opened a terminal (xfce4-terminal).

In my .bash_aliases, toward the end, I have a command that if I'm not
at work, it will run this:

nohup sudo /usr/bin/updatedb &> /dev/null &

My sudoers is set up so I can run this without a password.

After the updatedb completes, it puts a line on the terminal that says
so, which is not unusual, but then all terminal output is shut off.  I
can enter commands (without seeing them), and when they complete, they
echo a ^M, not a newline, and the prompt shows up mid-screen. It goes
back to the left margin with an <enter> but no characters are echoed
to the screen. Period. No matter what.

After some experimentation, I figured out that the background & was
involved.  When I commented that off the end of the command, it works
perfectly, with a slight delay for the updatedb to run.

Why is that? How do I get it to work properly? I'm pretty sure this is
not right.

Many thanks.

Mark Richter, Lead Software Engineer
Award-winning Author, "Mystic Prince"
Avid Xubuntu user/admin/fan
Registered Linux User #472807

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