Thunderbird rss reader

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Wed Mar 30 19:37:59 UTC 2022

On 3/28/22 22:40, Keith wrote:
> On 3/28/22 1:50 PM, Jim Byrnes wrote:
>> Is anyone using the Thunderbird rss feed reader? I have been using it
>> for awhile but all of a sudden it will no longer display any text when I
>> double click on a news item. A window opens but it is blank.
>> I'm not sure when this started. I scan through the feeds each day but I
>> don't always choose to read any articles.
>> Thunderbird version is 91.5.0 which I believe is up to date.
>> Thanks,  Jim
> Thunderbird is at 91.7.0 on 20.04.
> I use Thunderbird for reading rss feeds and haven't noticed any problems
> in either preview or when opening the webpage of an article. Are all
> feeds having this problem, or just one in particular?

Over the past few months I would occasionally get an article that would 
not display, I just put down to a glitch on the other end. Now no 
articles will display from any of my feeds.

> I would check under the menu item View->Feed Message Body As and see
> what's set there. On mine, I have Default Format and Original Html set.

I had Default format and plain text set set. I changed plain text to 
Original HTML to see if it made a difference. It didn't. When I went 
back to the View --> Feed Message Body As menu the only options now were 
Webpage, Summary and Default Format.

> You can also start Thunderbird in troubleshoot mode by clicking the
> hamburger icon->Help->Troubleshoot mode. That starts Thunderbird with no
> enabled extensions and default preferences.

This seems to have solved my problem. I started in troubleshooting mode 
and I was able to see the contents of the articles again. The strange 
thing is I use the default theme and I have no addons installed. I 
restarted Tbird in normal mode and I can still see my article content, 
so I guess it is fixed.

Thanks for the help.


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