autoinstall storage section

Jerry Geis jerry.geis at
Wed Mar 23 14:45:23 UTC 2022

I took an original "user-data" file used to install on a PC of this:

    - {ptable: gpt, serial: INTEL_SSDSCKKW240H6_CVLY628404L3240D, wwn:
      path: /dev/sda, wipe: superblock-recursive, preserve: false, name:
'', grub_device: false, type: disk, id: disk-sda}
    - {device: disk-sda, size: 536870912, wipe: superblock, flag: boot,
number: 1, preserve: false, grub_device: true, type: partition, id:
    - {fstype: fat32, volume: partition-0, preserve: false, type: format,
id: format-0}
    - {device: disk-sda, size: 239517827072, wipe: superblock, flag: '',
number: 2, preserve: false, grub_device: false, type: partition, id:
    - {fstype: ext4, volume: partition-1, preserve: false, type: format,
id: format-1}
    - {path: /, device: format-1, type: mount, id: mount-1}
    - {path: /boot/efi, device: format-0, type: mount, id: mount-0}

Changed it to this below to make more "generic" on any disk any
machine king of thing:

    version: 1
    - {ptable: gpt, path: /dev/sda, wipe: superblock-recursive, preserve:
false, name: '', grub_device: false, type: disk, id: disk-sda, match:
{size: largest}}
    - {device: disk-sda, size: 1G, wipe: superblock, flag: boot, number: 1,
preserve: false, grub_device: true,  type: partition, id: partition-0}
    - {fstype: fat32, volume: partition-0, preserve: false, type: format,
id: format-0}
    - {device: disk-sda, size: -1, wipe: superblock, flag: '',   number: 2,
preserve: false, grub_device: false, type: partition, id: partition-1 }
    - {fstype: ext4, volume: partition-1, preserve: false, type: format,
id: format-1 }
    - {path: /, device: format-1, type: mount, id: mount-1}
    - {path: /boot/efi, device: format-0, type: mount, id: mount-0 }

And the autoinstall fails with "config did not create needed bootloader

What did I mess up ?

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