sendmail on 20.04

David Fletcher dave at
Mon Mar 21 16:27:55 UTC 2022

On Mon, 2022-03-21 at 11:38 -0400, Jerry Geis wrote:
> hi All - I have sendmail configured for incoming email. 
> I send a test email to the box - I have MX records and all that.
> The EMAIL comes to the box - I see it in the mail.log file.
> It says "queued" and not sent/delivered.
> Its just a simple test email address - I was expecting that sendmail
> would just PUT the new email in the /var/spool/mail/test  
> The email is in /var/spool/mqueue  
> how do I get it actually delivered to the mail box ???

If it's anything like postfix you need to set up an aliases file which
tells it to deliver email sent to fredbloggs at to fred's
mailbox. You can have as many email addresses as you like sent to the
same box.

I never got on with sendmail though.


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