Up to date howto for building deb packages

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at courier-mta.com
Sat Mar 12 15:36:28 UTC 2022

I was trying to learn how to build .deb packages.

https://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html seems to be  
out of date, referencing bzr, which appeears to be superceded by brz.  
Furthermore, the first command mentioned there fails with a backtrace on 20  
because of https://bugs.launchpad.net/brz/+bug/1881287 which was fixed two  
years ago, from the looks of it. However the fix does not appear to have  
been released for 20, that leads me to believe that what's there is not the  
current workflow for creating .deb packages.

So, can anyone point me to some documentation that shows how to take an  
upstream tarball, and build .deb files, covering topics like inter-package  
dependencies and installation/removal scripts.

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