Network isolation?

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Sun Mar 6 02:02:39 UTC 2022

On Sat, Mar 5, 2022 at 5:26 PM R C <cjvijf at> wrote:
> if you can ssh between all of them, etc., it is probably a firewall
> issue that doesn't allow you to let you ping them.
> (since you can ssh between them, it looks like ips and netmasks are ok)
To reiterateL

I can ssh and ping FROM my base desktop to the laptop.

I cannot ping or ssh to the desktop FROM the laptop.  The laptop also
cannot ping or ssh to other machines on the router/wifi.  The laptop
has no such trouble with external sites or the the Internet, to which
its connection is the same router they all use.


<on desktop> ping <laptop> - succeeds
<on desktop> ssh <laptop> - succeeds.

<on laptop> ping <desktop> - fails ("Destination Host Unreachable")
<on laptop> ssh <desktop> - fails ("No route to host")

This was all working a couple weeks ago before OI had to go the hospital.

Hope that clarifies things.  Still so-acting.


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