Upgrade Ubuntu 14.04.6

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Wed Jun 29 18:08:45 UTC 2022

On 30/6/22 1:34 am, Golovatenko, Victoria via ubuntu-users wrote:
> Hello,
> How to upgrade Ubuntu 14.04.6 to higher release if I'm getting:
> root at Test70:~# sudo do-release-upgrade
> Checking for a new Ubuntu release
> No new release found
> Thank you.


Whilst the path would be to upgrade from one LTS version, to the next, 
and, then to the next, etc (14.04 -> 16.04 ->18.04 -> 20.04 -> 22.04), 
two considerations apply.

The first, is that the upgrade version for previous versions, for 22.04, 
is, as far as I am aware, not yet available, and, is expected to be 
available in August, when 22.04.1 becomes available.

The second, is that I believe that upgrading to 16.04, is no longer 
available, which, I believe, would be a required step in upgrading from 
14.04 .

I suggest (and, others may have different opinions regarding this) that, 
if you want the latest version installed, you would be better to do a 
clean installation of the latest system, rather than trying to upgrade 
to it.

Out of interest, on my other computer, I am running 16.04.7, which is my 
preferred version (more stable, and, more usable, than anything since), 
and, I intend to keep using it, for as long as possible. On this 
computer, I am running 20.10, and, I am disinclined to upgrade it.

Anyway, I suggest that you wait until August, when 22.04.1 is due to be 
released, for the stabilised version of the latest version.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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