Ubuntu 22.04 No sound

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 16:33:14 UTC 2022

On Sun, 12 Jun 2022 at 17:52, Ralf Mardorf via ubuntu-users
<ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:
> It mentions Bluetooth 4.0...

Ah, right, yes.

> ...hence Bluetooth audio could be an option, too. Junk shops sell cheap
> Bluetooth speakers. Audio quality of those speakers isn't more worse
> than a cheap USB device or on-board audio. Bluetooth audio results in
> long latency, but this shouldn't matter for the averaged user.

It's true. I had not thought of it.

> Disclaimer: I never used a Linux computer with Bluetooth myself.

I have tried it, briefly, for headphones, and could not get it to work
at all. A colleague got it working but his how-to was terrifying.

I did use it for a mouse a couple of times. It took some messing
around on Ubuntu in the 2014-2016 timeframe, like replacing the
Bluetooth stack with a new one (remove Blueman, add Bluez, I think)
and so on: non-trivial.

Bluetooth is a mess:

Liam Proven ~ Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lproven at gmail.com
Twitter/LinkedIn: lproven ~ Skype: liamproven
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