Firefox and possible replacement(s) - was - Re: An operating system with all the usual tools, but without news and ads

Liam Proven lproven at
Thu Jun 9 12:56:05 UTC 2022

On Wed, 8 Jun 2022 at 14:07, Bret Busby <bret at> wrote:
> I have changed the subject, as the thread appears to have been what I
> have renamed the subject, rather than being about operating systems.

Breaks the thread in Gmail, but that's Gmail for you. :-(

> 1. what are the differences between Waterfox and Firefox (and Seamonkey,
> apart from Seamonkey also incorporating its email application);

Fork of Firefox ESR version. Started as a native 64-bit version,
before Mozilla offered that. No telemetry etc.

Seamonkey is the old Mozilla Internet Suite, continued by the
community after Mozilla killed it.

It works but the web browser is based on a *VERY* old version of
Firefox so it's not very compatible.

Palemoon is also based on a very old version of Firefox and isn't very
compatible any more, but a bit newer.

Basilisk was more current but I think it may be dead.

> 2. can Waterfox be installed and run, concurrently with Firefox and
> Seamonkey;


> 3. does Waterfox use chrome or gecko as its underlying engine (Firefox,
> like Thunderbird, apparently uses chrome, resulting in frequent
> javascript crashes ("Unresponsive script(s)" ); and,

*No* Mozilla browser uses the Chrome engine.

These are rivals to Chrome.

> 4. is Waterfox available as a package that can be installed and updated,
> using the package managers, like Seamonkey can be done via ubuntuzilla?


Liam Proven ~ Profile:
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