Curious change in environment variable command line tab expansion

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Sat Jul 30 18:59:16 UTC 2022

I noticed that this (see subject) has changed recently.

I have a large number of environment variables (exports) in my bash
environment that contain directory locations for quick access (e.g.,

Before the most recent updates, when I enter this on the command line,
it echoed exactly as is:

mv <some receipt file or files> $rece<tab>

The tab expands to '$receipts'.

That way I could add something immediately after the $receipts, like a
slash and some subdirectory, without any space issue.

This has changed - the tab now expands to '$receipts '.

I find this mildly annoying.

Does anyone else see this as a problem and why or why not?



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