Why have my Ubuntu 22.04 systems got different versions of some packages?

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Sat Jul 30 15:05:13 UTC 2022

Am Samstag, dem 30.07.2022 um 15:50 +0100 schrieb Chris Green:
> While investigating the recent "kept back" issue I have noticed that
> one of my [x]ubuntu systems has got a newer/different version of some
> packages than my other systems.

> ii  libnotify-bin                         0.7.9-3ubuntu5.22.04.1 
> ii  libnotify-bin                             0.7.9-3ubuntu5

once again, "apt policy libnotify-bin" is your friend ... 

running it on both systems should reveal the difference (0.7.9-3ubuntu5
was in the main archive at 22.04 release date ... 
0.7.9-3ubuntu5.22.04.1 is a typical version string for a package coming
from the *-updates repo ...) 

a) there might (very likely) again be phasing involved 
b) the second machine might not have the *-updates repo enabled

... i think a) is more likely than b) and b) would be a bug in the
update-manager code unless you explicitly disabled *-updates ...

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