Remotely (re)starting my system via a smart power switch?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at
Sun Jul 24 20:40:23 UTC 2022

On Sun, 24 Jul 2022 13:28:49 +0100, ubuntu at wrote:

>> I will then probably add a cron job to log the temperature of the CPU
>> every minute or so such that I can view it after the laptop has shut
>> down. (Logging to a network drive).
>> Is there a simple command I can use in the log script to remove lines
>> older than say an hour from the log file when I add a new entry?
>> Or keep only the last 60 lines or so in the file.
>You could set up munin or something similar.

Well, I don't know munin but I think something like this will do using bash:

cd ~/log
date "+%F %T" >> templog.log  # Save timestamp in file
sensors | grep "Core 0:" >> templog.log # Produces 1 log line
tail -n 50 templog.log > templog2.log # Save last 25 checks
mv templog2.log templog.log # Overwrite logfile with pruned version

If a crash occurs the logfile will show the temp at crash time.

Of course I will have to check that the logfile is not overwritten at wakeup...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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