NfSD on Ubuntu 22.04 server

Ian A Taylor iat at
Thu Jul 21 12:48:44 UTC 2022

Good day

I recently installed Ubuntu 22.04 server on my "home space" server

I installed  nfs-kernel-server  and that worked ok

The process load on my machine was  down close to zero

However in the last few days the process load on my machine has jumped 
up to over 8

This server acts as a "home space" server via nfs-kernel-server

Is there a known issue with nfs-kernel-server or software patch that 
could have caused this ?

Thanking you


Ian Taylor
University of St.Andrews,
School of Physics & Astronomy,
North Haugh,
Fife  KY16 9SS,

e-Mail :- iat at
Tel    :- (0)1334-463141
Fax    :- (0)1334-463104

The University of St Andrews
is a charity registered in
Scotland : No SC013532.

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