Bone-conduction headset

Peter Flynn peter at
Wed Jul 20 15:34:40 UTC 2022

On 20/07/2022 13:54, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2022 at 16:19, Peter Flynn <peter at> wrote:
>> Does anyone have a recommendation for a lightweight Bluetooth
> [...]
> On this subject, I found this today:
> "CNN Business: Why Bluetooth remains an 'unusually painful' technology
> after two decades"


> It's not just you. It's a pain for everyone.

Oh yes. Except for Android and IOS users, where it seems to work first 
time every time. It's just code, guys, not rocket science (or if it is, 
I can put you in touch with any number of unemployed rocket scientists)


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