Problem connecting nfs share - all files executable

Little Girl littlergirl at
Mon Jul 11 13:48:42 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Bo Berglund wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:


>This seems to deal with connections to a *SAMBA* server share....
>I *have* found ways to set such SMB mounts in fstab so as to set the
>executable flag sensibly.

Ah, okay. I was under the impression that you had successfully
mounted it with CIFS, which could have changed the permissions.

>But my question is about the mount of an *NFS* share as an nfs
>connection. On this particular mount the executable flag is globally
>set for some unknown reason...

Here's your mount line in /etc/fstab:

> /mnt/nas nfs tcp,noexec,intr 0 0

Here are some additional options that I use for my NFS mounts, any of
which you might want to try out:
	* hard =  keep trying if the request times out
	* noauto = do not automatically mount on boot-up
	*  rw = mount the file-system as read/write
	* users = allow any user to mount and unmount the file-system

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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