Ubuntu 20.04.3 desktop (Cinnamon) - SSH disconnects when user logs off the desktop!

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 11:12:17 UTC 2022

On Sat, 22 Jan 2022 07:24:30 +0000, Colin Law <clanlaw at gmail.com> wrote:

>As Karl suggests that sounds as if it has gone to sleep. You should be able
>to see that from the LEDs on the machine. Alternatively check syslog after
>you bring it back up.  If it is that then you have configured something to
>send it to sleep when you logoff.
>Colin L

I found a question (but no answer) about the same situation as I have here:


Is there a solution and if so where do I go (in Cinnamon or on the terminal)?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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