wi-fi drivers

Robert Heller heller at deepsoft.com
Sun Jan 16 21:14:34 UTC 2022

Does Ubuntu have something like the elrepo repository? The elrepo repo (for
RedHat and CentOS) has kernel modules backported for the older kernels shipped
with RedHat and CentOS. If Ubuntu has something like that, that might be
another option. If the OP has a (bleeding edge) laptop, he might be out of
luck. There might be an (older) USB WiFi dongle that might work, until a newer
version of Ubuntu becomes available. Often the WiFi cards in Laptops are
mini-PCI cards and can be swapped out. Or at least for older laptops. I don't
know about newer laptops. Rule of thumb when shopping for a Laptop to run
Linux on: buy last year's model! Or at least one that is a few months past
its release date.  Or bring a live image on a USB stick to the store and try 
it before you buy it.

At Mon, 17 Jan 2022 07:57:31 +1100 kauer at biplane.com.au, "Ubuntu user technical support,? not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On Sun, 2022-01-16 at 15:33 -0500, Slade Watkins via ubuntu-users
> wrote:
> > hi,
> > is it possible to autobuild drivers at startup, or have a script do
> > so for me in one click? unfortunately the drivers I need for my wi-fi 
> > card are included in Linux kernel 5.16 which Ubuntu currently does
> > not use (since it _just_ released last week).
> If someone has an answer, and the answer is easy to apply, then
> obviously go that way.
> However, if this is a desktop and the card is easily swapped out, you
> my find it easier all round to just go out and buy a supported card.
> Network cards aren't that expensive these days, and when your Linux
> catches up with your new card, you can swap it back in.
> Regards, K.
> PS: If your card belongs to a "family", try the drivers for earlier
> models. They often work just fine. Also, if the card claims
> compatibility with any other cards, try those drivers.

Robert Heller             -- Cell: 413-658-7953 GV: 978-633-5364
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services
http://www.deepsoft.com/  -- Linux Administration Services
heller at deepsoft.com       -- Webhosting Services

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