firefox cannot connect to any website, other browsers can?

Miguel Lerma mlerma54 at
Thu Jan 13 14:37:40 UTC 2022

> From: "M. Fioretti" <mfioretti at>
> To: "Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions"
>         <ubuntu-users at>
> Subject: firefox cannot connect to any website, other browsers can?
> Message-ID: <Yd/nedBm+rE8lCIp at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hello all,
> I am running Firefox 95.01. on an Ubuntu 21.04 64-bit box. All of a
> sudden, for no visible reason, Firefox stopped connecting to any
> website, including some that are surely online, e.g., google,
> etc..

Not sure if it is related, but I had a similar experience recently -
after an upgrade Firefox could be started but remained in a non
working state, like waiting for something to happen. The cause was
that the .cache subdirectory in my home directory had changed
ownership to root. After fixing the ownership Firefox started working
normally again.

- Miguel

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