Screwy network

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Sat Feb 19 17:35:52 UTC 2022

On Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 9:31 AM MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
> I run Xubuntu 21.10 on my desktop (and 20.04 on all my other
> computers). It has wired and wireless connections built into the mobo
> (ASUS TUF270X).
> This morning, the wired connection didn't work at all, so I enabled
> the wifi.  That works, partly.  I can reach the internet and am
> writing this in Chrome Gmail through the wifi.
> However, for all my local machines that are also on the same router,
> mostly wifi, I cannot ping them from the desktop and they cannot ping
> the desktop remotely.
> On the other machines, I can reach the other connections, including
> the internet, but not the desktop.
Addendum: I also cannot follow any links from emails that I trust - they ALL get

"This site can’t be reached

Check if there is a typo in

Any suggestions?


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