Screen savers

Liam Proven lproven at
Sun Feb 13 21:52:50 UTC 2022

On Sun, 13 Feb 2022 at 18:56, MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:
> >
> > OMG, you didn't write to Jamie Zawinski with a tech support query, did you?
> >
> LOL! God, no, not in years. I learned that lesson well a long time ago.
> I was referring to what is on his "help" page.  Seriously not helpful.


> Thanks for the laugh.


Any time.

For those who don't know Zawinski, he co-wrote the Mozilla browser and
co-founded Netscape. He also maintained the biggest and longest-lived
fork of Emacs for many years, called XEmacs.

He made a bit of money when Netscape was sold to AOL and used it to
start the DNA Lounge nightclub in San Francisco. I have a long-held
ambition to visit it some day, but I've never been to the West Coast
of the USA. In the meantime I sometimes wear some DNA Lounge face
masks I bought from him -- like most nightclubs, COVID hit it very

He has extremely severe RSI these days and can't type much. Despite
this, he wrote and maintains XScreensave, the Dali Clock (a digital
clock with melting digits) and a few other things, and he writes one
of the best (and by now, oldest) blogs on the web, at

He famously hates bitcoin and cryptocurrencies (as I do too) -- he
popularised the term "Dunning Krugerrands" for them, a _fantastic_ pun
that cryptocurrency enthusiasts usually don't get. His blog is highly
opinionated to say the least, but the thing is, he's immensely smart,
wrote multiple best-of-breed programs, and he is usually right. The
world commentard community _hates_ that and says so, and in revenge
he's blocked a lot of it. If someone puts one of his posts on, he's configured his webserver to detect that the
traffic is coming from there and to serve spurious content instead.
Usually hardcore pr0n, I believe.

Smart, acerbic, funny, brilliant writer, brilliant coder. Doesn't
suffer fools gladly, or if possible, at all. The trouble is that next
to jwz most of us are fools...

Liam Proven ~ Profile:
Email: lproven at ~ gMail/gTalk/FB: lproven at
Twitter/LinkedIn: lproven ~ Skype: liamproven
UK: (+44) 7939-087884 ~ Czech [+ WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal]: (+420) 702-829-053

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