Replace Network Manager with dhcpd on headless system - any issues?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Sun Feb 13 12:19:04 UTC 2022

Am Sonntag, dem 13.02.2022 um 11:54 +0000 schrieb Chris Green:

> I may end up leaving Network Manager in charge as it's *reasonably*
> straightforward and I know how it works at present.  The only issue
> is
> how to get to manage it remotely.  I guess I can just install xubuntu
> with a real screen on the system and then just work remotely.  The
> network interface is never going to change.

network-manager nowadays comes with nmtui to manage conections from
commandline, take a look ;) 

(though this is not as powerfull as the super failsafe "netplan try"
with which you can test out connection settings without locking
yourself out (it seamlessly goes back to the former config if something
went wrong and you locked yourself out, so you can always get back in
to that remote machine without having to visit it in person))

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