Slightly OT? WiFi problems

rikona rikona at
Wed Feb 9 20:32:21 UTC 2022

On Wed, 9 Feb 2022 10:15:15 -0800
MR ZenWiz <mrzenwiz at> wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 9, 2022 at 2:40 AM Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, 9 Feb 2022 at 08:14, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:  
> > >
> > > Just realised you use a mesh, power the whole mesh down before
> > > restarting.  
> >
> > Agreed on both points.
> >  
> It's a mesh of one router, but a great point - thanks.
> > 3rd: check router(s) for firmware updates. If any exist, install
> > them.
> >
> > I used to have to regularly update my TP-Link powerline adaptors.
> >  
> Hadn't thought of that, although when I called Linksys for a different
> problem I had last week (funky cable issue), they checked and told me
> the firmware is fully up to date.
> > 4th: I am very surprised you haven't tried just moving the laptop
> > next to the router.
> > Try it.
> >  
> I thought I had posted earlier that I did try this and the wifi in the
> same room as the router works fine.
> > It may be that it's very old and its internal antenna wire has worn
> > out. If so, and if you are determined to keep it, a cheap USB wifi
> > stick might be a better answer.
> >  
> I thought of that, too.  Looked for the two or three I happen to have
> already and, due to my neck brace, I can't do much searching beyond
> the places I used to have them, in which they are  not.
> The good news is here (still reading?  :-).
> Yesterday it occurred to me that it might be the wifi receiver in the
> laptop that was not properly aligned.  I rotated the laptop about 45
> degrees to the right - not luck.  I rotated it back and another 45
> degrees to the left, and Xubuntu (bless its workings) immediately
> picked it up and connected automatically.  We decided to est it out
> and watch an episode of Reacher on Amazon Prime, a gritty, compelling,
> well-acted, well-written series that is just fantastic), it started
> up.  Then it went into circle mode and a notice even came up from the
> system that the connection was unatable and would be usable to stream
> the video.
> We waited patiently, and when the stream did come back, i tran
> flawlessly for two whole episodes, a little under 2 hours.
> So, with heart in mouth, I believe this problem may be SOLVED.
> Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions - all great.

True - antennas need to be aligned for max signal. But, it sounds like
you are at the low end of signal strength, needing accurate alignment
to even work at all. Here, I like to be able to move most anything
anywhere, at any alignment, and have it work. That can be done by
upping the signal strength, as I did by adding units to the
well-spaced mesh, and placing them high with little 'stuff' around them.
Works well except for the occasional "router reboot" that needs doing.

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