External hard drives in linux

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Sun Feb 6 16:44:29 UTC 2022

Hey there,

Colin Law wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>> It's maddening. I had the same issue with a couple of external
>> drives that I had bought for backups. Here's why:
>> https://askubuntu.com/questions/392154/why-are-the-default-permissions-for-media-username-rootroot  

>I just use sudo to create the folders I need on the drive and chown
>them to the appropriate user.  Or is this more complicated than that?

Does that give you and your programs full access to what's in those
folders whenever the drive is plugged in? If so, it seems like that
would be a quick and easy way to gain access. The only issue I can
foresee would be that you'd have to remember to use sudo to create
any new folders if you need them later.

Then again, since the lack of complete access by default exists as the
result of security measures, if those are likely to remain that way,
perhaps it would be best for us all to learn to use sudo on external
drives from now on.

Either way, I'll try your method the next time I buy an external
drive and see if I like it.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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