Mystery logoff

R C cjvijf at
Sat Feb 5 06:32:24 UTC 2022

well there are nvidia drivers for some recent cards that you can use.  
It used to be the case that when you upgraded to a new kernel you had to 
recompile the driver.

A year or two back I noticed that when installing on another machine, 
then moved the drive, I could avoid the issue (so it seemed like a 
configuration issue ?). Also I noticed

the issue happens with ubuntu/debian machines, never had that issue with 

So I just opted for machines I needed with Ubuntu/Debian (for freecad 
and  cnc installations) to use AMD graphics cards instead, I got those 
cheap of ebay.

(I like ubuntu/Debian for some of the stuff I use,  but there are 
issues.  Their installers don't seem to recognize combinations of raid 
arrays, sas drives and sata drives either for example. so I threw the 
graphics driver on that heap too)

So you might get around it,  but getting a different graphics card saves 
some headaches.


On 2/4/22 23:11, Bijan Soleymani wrote:
> On 2022-02-05 00:28, R C wrote:
>> it's a nouveau/nvidia thing, It has been around for a while.   I 
>> actually managed to get around it by installing the OS on a machine 
>> without an NVIDIA card, take the drive and used it on a machine with 
>> an NVIDIA card.
>> (but I mostly use them as remotes/servers)
> In that case you can just not load the nouveau driver or make X 
> windows not use the nouveau driver. But yeah that will hurt video 
> playback and such.
> Bijan

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