Mystery logoff

Bijan Soleymani bijan at
Sat Feb 5 05:27:33 UTC 2022

On 2022-02-05 00:19, MR wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who responded.  When I get back to work and can 
> afford it, I'll probably switch out the graphis card for a Radeon.

Definitely good! The in kernel driver for AMD (amdgpu) is officially 
supported by AMD.

> Would anyone happen to know where to file a bug for this?  Is it Ubuntu 
> or does nouveau have their own bug reporting system?

As there's practically nothing Ubuntu can do (besides upgrading to a 
newer nouveau if that fixes the issue), I recommend filing the bug on 

They already have a similar bug I pasted here:

I don't know if you want to reference that or just add a comment there.


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