Strange xscreensaver behavior on 21.10

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Thu Feb 3 04:42:24 UTC 2022

I have been running Xubuntu 21.10 since I upgraded to a higher powered
CPU last November. I routinely use xscreensaver as my screen saver and
have for at least 10 year.

On this machine only (the rest of my household computers run Xubuntu
20.04), after the screensaver has been active for (I'm guessing) an
hour or so, all the images come up and immediately fade out to a dull
grayish blank on the screen.

Has anyone else seen this?

It's pretty consistent (and consistently ugly...).  I've tried playing
around with the settings, but I don't see any that might cause this.

Thanks in advance for any good words you might have.  I'll try
contacting the author - we've had occasional contact in the past.

Mark Richter, Lead Software Engineer
Award-winning Author, "Mystic Prince"
Avid Xubuntu user/admin/fan
Registered Linux User #472807
FSF Member #12694

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