Bluetooth low energy adaptor

Wade Smart wadesmart at
Sun Dec 25 22:12:16 UTC 2022

I plugged it in and connected my headphones.
There was nothing at all to it. The OS handled
it all. When I click on the bluetooth icon it shows
my phone, my headphones and unfortunately, by
accident.. I associated my sons ps4 controller
so that is also there.
Registered Linux User: #480675
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Linux since June 2005

On Sun, Dec 25, 2022 at 4:09 PM Phil <phillor9 at> wrote:
> On 26/12/22 00:36, Wade Smart wrote:
> > Phil, I have something like this I use on my Thinkpad
> > with my headphones
> >
> >
> Thank you Wade,
> Just after I posted my e-mail I had a look to see what's available from
> EBay and I see that most adaptors use a RTL chip and I also see that the
> firmware/ rtl_bt directory contains many drivers so I expect one of
> those adaptors should work. One of them, a Bluetooth 4 adaptor, is on
> the list that you posted. A slightly cheaper Bluetooth 5 adaptor is also
> available.
> How does the adaptor integrate with the Bluetooth Manager? I image that
> the internal Bluetooth adaptor is set to off but then how does one
> search for a device?
> --
> Regards,
> Phil
> --
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