what mailer?

Ralf Mardorf kde.lists at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 23 17:25:37 UTC 2022

On Fri, 2022-12-23 at 17:00 +0000, David Fletcher wrote:
> A quick Google enquiry reveals Geary and Sylpheed which are in the
> repos. Has anybody tried these, I'd also be interested to know?

I'm using Sylpheed a little bit. It's good, but when I used Claws a
little bit and even when I started using it much, it was good, too.
After a long time of heavy usage Claws became a PITA. Evolution has got
it's pitfalls, but it's not a PITA.

Migrating to another MUA can be deceptive. In the beginning everything
is great and little by little the new MUA turns out to be a nuisance.

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