what mailer?

Peter Flynn peter at silmaril.ie
Fri Dec 23 13:13:46 UTC 2022

On 23/12/2022 12:32, Karl Auer wrote:
> I have a contentious question, but can think of no better place to
> ask it than here.

Both contentious and well-exercised :-)

> What is a good GUI email program? I currently use Evolution and have 
> about 50GB of mailboxes, in MailDir format.

I have always found Evolution to be very heavy on resources, I think 
because it aims at being a Microsoft replacement so it wants you to use 
calendaring and all sorts of bells and whistles I have no need for. But 
I know people for whom it seems to be the ideal system.

> Please don't suggest anything that requires KDE. Also, please don't 
> suggest Thunderbird. Not that these are bad options, just I already 
> know about them. 

I have no idea which MUAs require KDE, but I haven't consciously used 
KDE for a very long time. I use Tbird, so I won't recommend it.¹

> And please no web clients


> one that supports Maildir (or can import it).

Never had the opportunity to use it.

> Commercial options are OK. And would be interested to hear from
> anyone using Claws that has imported Maildir into it.

I used Claws for a while. It's very raw looking but it does the job, 
although I don't know about Maildir.

I have also recently tested Vivaldi mail, mainly because Vivaldi is now 
my default browser. It seems to cope perfectly well with my half-dozen 
IMAP mailboxes from various servers. I can't test it against Exchange 
because my university now blocks all external access and insists on the 
Orifice365 web interface. There doesn't seem to be any filtering or 
Redirect functionality, so it's not a candidate for my own requirements.

I also run mutt, mostly for its indispensable ability to re-thread 
messages which have been sent by naive users or naive MUAs which fail to 
honour Message-Id, In-Reply-To, and References headers, resulting in 
their replies arriving as new, unthreaded messages, and also for fixing 
the reverse, when people carelessly reply to an old message instead of 
starting a new thread (I did it myself last week :-)


¹ Because Tbird's trainable filtering has so far been excellent,
   and there is a Redirect add-on which is essential for my work.

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