How the **** Do I Use a Mailing List?

ubuntu at ubuntu at
Thu Dec 22 15:47:43 UTC 2022

c.neilclack at wrote:
> Okay, forgive me, I thought this would be easy.
> This is my first mailing list I've ever joined.

It should be fairly easy. That's one reason lots of us old codgers like
them :)

> Well, I opted for the "daily digest" version of the list.

Ahh, that's generally a mistake. It's much easier to use an email list
if you receive the individual mails and use an email reader that leds
you use a 'threaded' view to see all the related emails shown together.

You can also skip reading mails you're not interested in more easily,
and block any authors who post things you find objectionable.

> I found a "thread" I'd like to reply to, but I can't figure out HOW,
> I think... I'm not even sure.

In particular, it's a lot easier to reply to an individual message than
a digest, since the subject is already set, and there isn't a load of
unrelated cruft that needs cutting away, and all the threading headers
are correct etc etc :)

> Something tells me it would be easier to simply unsubscribe and resub 
> without the daily digest option.

Yup, that's the right answer :)

> Anything I search for on Google has been.... Irrelevant. Usually how
> to "manage" mailing lists in the likes of Outlook.
> I'm using BetterBird (Thunderbird).
> If anyone could help this poor idiot out, it would be incredibly 
> appreciated.

I hope you become happier in your new home :)

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